Improvisatie + Forest of pictures

Heleen Van Haegenborgh & Tsubasa Hori + Fnussjen

Double bill

Heleen Van Haegenborgh & Tsubasa Hori - 17:00

Tsubasa Hori and Heleen Van Haegenborgh connect worlds. The worlds of the piano and the taiko drum, of gongs and strings, rhythms and reverb, noise and silence. Their improvisations create yet another world in which space and time seem to be only of secondary importance. A journey in sound through several dimensions.

Double bill met Fnussjen:

Fnussjen - 18:00
Forest of pictures

The Fnussjen quartet was founded in 2017 by Nicolas Chkifi. Using the harp, violin, piano and percussion, they deliberately seek out simplicity and a world of peaceful sounds. Their debut album, Forest of Pictures, was released in 2020 to great acclaim in the press. Guy Peters wrote: “This is all about patience and turning time inside out. The music moves slowly, sparingly and meditatively, appearing to reach a mental state of rest.”

**Due to illness, harpist Ann Eysermans will not be playing. The concert will continue with the trio Fnussjen.**


Ann Eysermans - harp
Ananta Roossens - violin
Nicolas Chkifi - percussion
Christian Mendoza - piano

17:00 — 19:00

Nona arts centre
Begijnenstraat 19


16 euro (-26: 12 euro)
Double bill Improvisatie + Forest of pictures

Kunstencentrum nona